Sunday, October 2, 2011
gone bananas for baked bananas

Tuesday, September 20, 2011
GF/V Review: Arlington, Virginia actually has GF/V cupcakes!

Saturday, September 3, 2011
cutting the crap: avoiding over-priced and nutritionally-hollow GF breakfasts

Saturday, August 27, 2011
GF/V Review: Sun Cafe is my new hot spot

Thursday, August 18, 2011
the hardest part of being a gluten-free vegan...
Being a gluten-free vegan is very do-able, but challenging. However, I have a bigger problem than the handful of GF options at my favorite veg restaurants, or the burden of carrying mini packets of GF soy sauce in my bag.
The hardest part of being a gluten-free vegan is dealing with the people around me, and in many instances, the closest people to me.
Since I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease a few months ago, many have overwhelmed and disheartened me with their skepticism, backhanded criticism, and otherwise discouraging commentary.
None of this makes sense to me. With a macrobiotic, gluten-free, vegan life, my body finally feels right—for once, everything seems to be working. Stomach acid? Gone. Constant bloating? Gone. Asthma? Dramatically reduced and improving regularly. Muscle aches? Dramatically reduced.
My feelings of wellness outweigh any challenge that a gluten-free vegan lifestyle poses. I do not want to eat gluten, “not even a little” as those around me prod, because it makes me sick. I do not want to be sick.
All and all, I am just confused as to why a person would think that pressuring me into eating flesh—something that I am intellectually and emotionally uncomfortable with eating—would improve my quality of life. Although my transition to GF/V was a bit of a struggle, I am now very happy with how I eat and am thankful that Celiac Disease gave me the push I wanted to go macrobiotic. I have now experienced for myself that foods can heal the body and truly impact the mind.
This post is not to say I am uncomfortable discussing the challenges of my lifestyle or having conversations about what I eat or how it has changed my life. I simply mean that when a person comes at me with a negative attitude, or implies that I am unhappy or hungry, I get annoyed.
I love food—it just might be different food than you enjoy. I have found that people become very uneasy and even rude around people who subscribe to a minority dietary lifestyle. I don’t fully understand what that’s about, but I prefer to enjoy my kale-cashew-banana shake in peace. Thanks.
Monday, July 11, 2011
"feminist" guilt: how demonizing sexist expression is an intellectual no-carb diet
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Monday, May 23, 2011
"Health Care Reform Starts in Your Mouth"
As a progressive political activist, I attend a lot of political get-togethers and events. But if you take a look at the food offered at any one of these events, you’d think I was at a Republican fund-raising dinner for Sarah Palin. At fancy dinners steak, pork tenderloin, and lobster is on the menu. At activist events and phone-banks cheese pizza with pepperoni and extra sausage is the preferred choice. At morning grassroots planning meetings breakfast tacos filled with egg, cheese and sausage and bagels with flavored cream cheese are the expected progressive staples...It doesn’t make a lot of sense to chow down on pizza while phone-banking for health care reform, or to have a BBQ party to celebrate a successful legislative session that included the expansion of health care...
GF/V Review: Rice Divine's Chocolate Peanut Butter Fudge Ice Cream

Tuesday, May 17, 2011
If you're leaving veganism, be honest about it.
Friday, April 29, 2011
Candy Tree's Gluten-Free/Vegan Licorice

Saturday, April 23, 2011
"meat reducers"--so hot right now
“I used to think of meat in the center of the plate. Today, I am a meat reducer. This means I eat less meat and make sure that the limited meat I do eat is of the highest quality. My plate is comprised of seasonal and local vegetables with meat as an accompaniment. While this is a healthier diet, the main reason I now eat this way is because it tastes better and I feel better.” Read moreLove it.