Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Dear readers...

I shan't lead you astray--the purpose of The Colonic is to cleanse, to get your shit out. Also fitting, The Colonic has a "No Bull-Shit" policy: one must be frank and analytical. I mean this both in terms of my posts, but also in terms of responses. For all of my readers, I would like internal irrigation for you all as well, and the comfort to be honest (but not hostile).

Although I ultimately hope to be a "well-rounded" individual, my posts and personality do have certain core themes. Of all my socio-political interests (because the personal is political), matters of gender tend to captivate me most. In fact, Freud-to-sex might not be entirely different from Vanessa-to-gender. I am fascinated with popular culture and current Western influence; however, we as a national and global collective only navigate to the present through the past, and therefore, history is of interest as well.

To make it clear, I do not believe in categorical binaries in terms of gender, or in terms of political parties--people do not fit in boxes. However, I am a social radicalist and you will find many "liberal" ideas here. Even so, the only ideology I subscribe to is Vanessaism, and hopefully, with a little reader-involvement, we can all learn a little Youism as well.

1 comment:

Truth on the Rocks said...

I am intrigued by Vanessaism and the wittiness and confidence in your pieces. I've responded to your comment and hope you continue to act in the name of your Blog.
Power to ya sister.