Sunday, May 27, 2007

Shrek the Third

I forgot to say...

I saw Shrek 3 with Dylan, and I appreciated the feminist undertones. Actually, the message was quite clear. When all the storybook ladies (Snow White, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty) were locked away in the dungeon with Shrek's wife (what's her face) and What's Her Face's Mom, our favorite Disney Beauties declared "assume the position", and took whatever damsel-in-distress pose was fitted (Sleeping Beauty went to bed, the rest sat around whimsically, such and such). Essentially, they were waiting for Prince Charming to rescue them.

As it become obvious no one would be saved this way, Shrek's wife and her Mom basically said fuck this sexist, patriarchal, make-me-demure-and-worthless shit, and busted out of the joint themselves. From this point on, each of the princesses became proactive and together they saved the day.


I have decided that "freedom" and "democracy" cannot coexist and are in fact at odds with one another.

HYPOTHETICAL EXAMPLE: Our country becomes dominated by evangelic Christians and other moralistic groups that exhibit the same "virtues" and voting patterns. In this case, a union between church and state, and prohibition of abortion/contraception are completely democratic, because each person would cast a vote, and the majority would justifiably sway our country in such a (horrifying) direction according to our own governmental principles.

However, in the same (not-so-far-fetched)hypothetical above, one would not be free to make decisions about one's body--even though one still lives in a democracy, which fairly (according to democracy) voted for the restrictions in the first place.

Are there creative ways to reconcile the two? I suppose that is what the Bill of Rights and Constitution sought to do, although these measures are really nothing compared to the issues at hand today. Like gay marriage. So if the majority does not favor/allow gay marriage, gay people are not FREE to marry, although we live in a democracy.

It is my humble opinion that America cannot present itself as the Land of the Free and as a Democracy at the same time. Pick one.

(Actually my entire argument is irrelevant because we don't even have a genuine democracy, and I don't believe in freedom anyway. But you know, in the grand sense these terms are abused in the first place everything I said holds)

Monday, May 14, 2007

Newsweek features the "Mystery of Gender"

In the May 21 issue, Newsweek highlights the no-longer-very-private world of trans. Although not particularly analytic or profound, I am happy to see issues of gender being circulated in the media and served front-page to the public.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


"Gaining weight and pulling my head out of the toilet was the most political act I ever committed"--Abra Fortune Chernik

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Let's get real..."no sugar added" is a wishful euphemism.

Come on, Coffee Bean, and the entire food/culture industry. Call it like it is. That's not "no sugar added," it's a fucking FAKE SUGAR SUBSTITUTE

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Feederism: the new "in the closet"

The May issue of Details magazine uncovered the new "in the closet." Beginning with the story of a 336-pound man aspiring to double his weight, feederism is different than finding large people sexually arousing--it is a fat fetish where "gainers" get off on growing themselves or their partners, and consciously morph themselves into obesity.

Although this subculture remains largely unrecognized by mainstream society, its participant and fan base is growing rapidly through internet exposure (and sites like Even so, feeders admit that dating is difficult in our fat-phobic society where thin is in and binging as foreplay is unspeakable. Yet this is also part of the appeal.

Feederism is basically a big cultural "fuck you." One man recounts how when he hears whispers in restaurants regarding his massive consumption, he simply orders more. Other women tell stories of being high food restricters, and one day finally deciding to have it all. New York University anthropology professor Don Kulick explains, "Fat is so demonized in this society that it actually makes it attractive."

But let's remember that there is difference between feederists and overweight individuals. Both the National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance and the International Size Acceptance Association condemn the practice, saying that "one partner should not be controlling another's size."

But there's another problem. For those who crave larger and larger partners, traditional positions become impractical, and sex less and less frequent.

You can check out the article in its entirety here. It is an interesting read, but I could not bring myself to summarize particular details for the sake of shock value, as I found the magazine to do all too well. I am linking this for broader understandings of the body and sex, not to laugh and gawk at different fantasies.

I began writing this blog, compulsively eying the time for my yoga class to begin. My life style is an absolute opposite to feederism, which I don't think is healthy either. Whether it is obsessing to lose weight or gain, there really seems to be no focus on a natural, balanced bodies(whatever that may be). I do raise an eyebrow whenever emotions come out in food, or any other sort of channel (alcohol, drugs, exercise). Both feedees and feeders develop lifestyles that revolve around their binging and sexual practices, which either border lines or is an addiction--not sure. But hey, I have my own, so we can all talk about the health implications of obesity, but I'm not pointing fingers. It is nice to be reminded that every one has different sexualities and can enjoy themselves with others, even without conforming to particular cultural standards.

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Allure magazine is GRAVELY mistaken

In its May issue, Allure magazine features BEAUTY BREAKDOWNS: Shaved heads, drastic cuts, Crazy dye jobs.

Why does buzzed head imply a beauty breakdown? I understand that Britney is batty, but one person's personal collapse and subsequent buzz job does NOT mean that a shaved head is a sign of degeneracy. Let's all give Allure a round of applause for reinforcing age-old cultural notions of femininity.

News flash: some women make rational choices to shave their heads. Yes, others may take out emotional issues on their dos...but let's not get the two confused.

I have purposefully chosen not to post pictures of myself on The Colonic, but I am really pissed that my favorite hair cut is being marketed as some sort of female pathology. So for my own sake and every other woman without hair, this is a CHOICE and I looked incredible.

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

There is something wrong with this conversation...

Dad: What kind of lawyer are you going to be?

Me: A civil rights attorney.

Dad: How are you going to make money?

I just thought any one would be proud of that. Guess I'm wrong.