Thursday, June 28, 2007

Gender & Activism

Ralph Nader is right--there is a gender problem is activism--but it goes far beyond concern over the 70% female domination of the field.

As a female activist, I question the cultural politics that quite frankly turn my activism into prostitution.

Anyone who knows how hard it is to petition or canvas may think it is a sweet escape to know that mere physical appearance can land signatures, event attendees and even volunteers. Perhaps that is even an initial first-hand reaction for some female petitioners trying to meet a goal of X petitions.

At some point, the jokes stop. As an outgoing person, I am well-aware that men can be friendly and supportive and even chatty--that alone does not suggest a violating pervert. I will not pretend that any male who talks to me wants me.

But there is nothing more disgusting than realizing that your campaign is being re-directed at an alarming rate--that you are sized up and scouted, and your very job to educate and mobilize becomes a platform for suggestive remarks, excessive and violating flirtation, and an overall feeling of filth for being nothing more than a walking piece of ass.

And the sick thing is, many (as far as I know, most) of us take it with stride, smile, and finish our shpeel. Like it's just all okay. Or in a sick way, some of us are flattered as well as repulsed, and many of us fight fire with fire, and flirt back just to get the word out.

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