Wednesday, September 19, 2007

one last thought on capitalism

I recently blogged on my changing opinions of capitalism, and my belief that certain reform can remedy the risks of worker/environmental exploitation. (I opened this discussion with the relationship of feminism and capitalism)

At this point, I would like to add one more log to the fire. I get pissed off discussing how horrible capitalism is, because such discussions posit me (and you) as a fucking idiots.

You know the whole song and dance--capitalism is based on consumerism, and so we are just buying, buying, buying. Hence the term mindless consumer. Everything is full of ads, and we just gobble it up!

If you lack the self-awareness to understand why you want a particular product, to differentiate between what is reasonable for yourself and what is not, or unknowingly use a continuous stream of purchases to buy your own confidence or to distract yourself from whatever troubling existence you may have, YOU, MY FRIEND, NEED TO SIT UNDER A TREE AND THINK ABOUT YOUR LIFE.

If capitalism is profiting off the fact that many people are out of touch, then I would suggest the concern should be to get people in touch with themselves, their lives, and their actual desires.

We haven't banned religion because people buy into it by the truckloads because they can't handle life.

If we are so stupid that we just buy, buy, buy...I wouldn't say close every store in sight. I would say start teaching something. And don't say quality education that includes critical thinking and analytical tools is too unrealistic--because it is not any more unlikely than changing our mode of production.

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