Tuesday, January 8, 2008

no, really?

Uhhh...how is For Girls, Social Status Tied to Weight anything new or newsworthy? Thank you, Captain Obvious.

"Adolescent girls who view themselves as unpopular have a higher risk of gaining
weight in subsequent years, researchers have found."

But it gets worse. The article concludes with "Making Weight Control a Priority." How the fuck does this happen? Isn't the obvious question "why are these young girls correlating their worth with their bodies, and how can we fight against this? How can we stress internal qualities?"

I can only only imagine all of the "fat" and "unpopular" girls and/or their parents reading this article, and in response to the overwhelming pain of rejection and inferiority, a diet and exercise plan is the only way to feel good about who you are.

Great way to replace insecurity with obsession and insecurity brewed in one! Great way to make young girls and their families dwell on food as the answer to lack of confidence. Way to go! We sure are raising strong women!

I know it is hard to realize at the time, but generally, if you don't fit in the high school mold, it is a good thing.

But no no. What could be more fulfilling and more conducive to exploring and shaping one's identity than being hot and desired by every one? After all, that is all women are good for.

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